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Loch Tay
- Early yield
- Resistant to diseases
- Smaller fruits
Loch Tay is an early, thornless blackberry that grows quite vigorously. This variety is relatively productive, has good resistance to disease and has a good flavour. The fruits are round and slightly smaller than ‘Loch Ness’. These remain nice and shiny when the fruit is fully ripe.
Thwan van Gennip c.s.
Eindje 6
5715 PK Lierop
the Netherlands
T 0031 (0) 492 – 33 24 00
F 0031 (0) 492 – 33 27 00
Thwan van Gennip would love to be the link within the food sector supply chain, providing you with high-quality strawberry, asparagus, raspberry and blackberry plants.
Opening times
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:30
Sat: 8:00-12:00
Sun: Closed