Xenolim is a 100% male and 100% anthocyanin-free hybrid that is extremely suitable for anthocyanin-free green asparagus production in regions with a temperate climate. Xenolim combines medium-early production with exceptionally high yields and a long, profitable production life.
Xenolim grows best on fertile, well-drained soils. Our own trials for anthocyanin-free green asparagus production conducted over a series of years showed that the best results were achieved with a planting density of 4 plants per linear meter with a planting depth of 15-20 cm. Xenolim is a 100% male hybrid, which not only means a long and profitable production life, but it also produces no volunteer asparagus from seeds.
The plant
The uniform foliage of Xenolim is tall and upright. Despite dying off naturally early, a good store of reserves is built up for the plant.
- 100% male hybrid
- Very early production
- Very high yield potential
- Stable long production life
- Uniform sizes and quality
- Very stable and strong foliage
Xenolim has a very high yield potential, excellent quality and very good thickness. Even when harvested in warm conditions, the tip of Xenolim remains firmly closed. About 70% of production is in the commercially attractive 12 mm + class. Xenolim produces attractive, cylindrical, smooth spears.
More information
Would you like more information about this product, or do you require advice on cultivation?
Thwan van Gennip c.s.
Eindje 6
5715 PK Lierop
the Netherlands
T 0031 (0) 492 – 33 24 00
F 0031 (0) 492 – 33 27 00
E info@thwanvangennip.nl
I www.thwanvangennip.nl
Thwan van Gennip would love to be the link within the food sector supply chain, providing you with high-quality strawberry, asparagus, raspberry and blackberry plants.
Opening times
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:30
Sat: 8:00-12:00
Sun: Closed