Herkolim is a 100% male hybrid that is perfect for production of white asparagus in a temperate climate. This variety is medium-early and an ideal “yield crop”. Herkolim has very high productivity combined with uniform thick spears. So it is ideal for farms that want to boost results by reducing labour costs.
Herkolim thrives on all well drained soils. Herkolim is resistant to stress. Combined with its spear thickness and vigour, this means the variety is also ideal for replantation. Our own practical experience has shown that Herkolim performs excellently with a planting density of 5-8 plants per linear meter. High planting densities do not usually result in thin spears, but often produce even more uniformity and better quality. The recommended planting depth is 18-22 cm. Herkolim is ideal for cultivation under black/white plastic sheeting. Good sheeting management and the right harvesting frequency ensure production of high-quality asparagus.
The plant
Herkolim has broad, robust and open foliage which quickly dries in the autumn so is less susceptible to mould. These good traits also make Herkolim ideal for organic cultivation methods.
- Perfect variety for maximum harvest yield
- Very high production potential
- Suitable for high plant densities
- High uniformity in quality and grades
- Suitable for replantation
The very uniform thickness of Herkolim means that about 60% of production is class 20-28 mm. Herkolim produces a premium quality product with straight, smooth, white spears with low susceptibility to hollow spears, breaking or pink discoloration. The product is rated high on flavour.
More information
Would you like more information about this product, or do you require advice on cultivation?
Thwan van Gennip c.s.
Eindje 6
5715 PK Lierop
the Netherlands
T 0031 (0) 492 – 33 24 00
F 0031 (0) 492 – 33 27 00
E info@thwanvangennip.nl
I www.thwanvangennip.nl
Thwan van Gennip would love to be the link within the food sector supply chain, providing you with high-quality strawberry, asparagus, raspberry and blackberry plants.
Opening times
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:30
Sat: 8:00-12:00
Sun: Closed