
Grolim is a 100% male hybrid that is suitable for cultivation of white asparagus in both temperate climate zones and in climates similar to Southern Europe. Grolim is ideal as a “high yield variety”. Its exceptionally high spear weight plays an important role in reducing labour costs. This variety is early and gives an above-average yield.


Grolim grows best on fertile, well drained soils. Good results can be achieved on both sandy and clay soils. Fields with high groundwater levels or that are susceptible to flooding are less suitable. Grolim performs optimally under warm and fertile conditions, giving high quality and high yield. Grolim is ideal for use with black/white sheeting or sheeting used to force early production. Many years of practical experience have shown that the best results are achieved with a planting density of 5-8 plants per linear meter. With Grolim, high planting densities do not usually result in thin spears; generally the grades will only become more uniform and the yield will improve in quality and quantity. The recommended planting depth is 18-20 cm.

The plant

The open, erect plant structure means diseases stand little chance. These qualities also make Grolim suitable for organic cultivation methods.

  • The variety with a high yield potential
  • Very high yield potential
  • Suitable for high plant densities
  • Reliable quality
  • Also suitable for forced production


More than 80% of production is above grade class 16 mm. Grolim has very little pink discoloration, grooves or bent spears, and with correct sheeting management it has a fine closed tip.

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